My Weight Loss Starting from August 2012

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Black Girl's Guide To Weight Loss---MY NEW FaVORITE BLOG!!!

Ericka gives the meaning to Dedication!!!

"About Erika Nicole Kendall -
After having lost well over 150lbs, Erika Nicole Kendall spends her time writing on issues regarding everything from wellness to weight loss, body image to booty image, from food to culture... that is, when she's not chasing her toddler across the house. Previously featured on NPR, Essence Magazine, Yahoo! Health and Woman's Day."
Excerpted from
Erika Nicole Kendall is the creator of this awesome site. It is an inspiration to people like me trying to get ahead in this desprite fight between fat and the self you want!!! She also touches on matters of self esteem, her opinions, thoughts and struggles. She tells it like it is and she is a fighter! She puts such thought and love into her articles! I Give this site a 10 out of 10!!!
Check It OUT:

My Fav Topics from her Site:

Monday, May 23, 2011

WorkOut DVD Review: Since im Back on the Wagon, Jackie may be able to help!

Personal Training With Jackie: Xtreme Timesaver Training

Now this is an awesome DVD! It works you into shape!! Now despite my jealousy of her perfect abs, I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE Ms. Jackie! She is tough! She expects no slack! Now I used to use this video before I started at the gym but I have decided to start using it again! I will still go to the gym 3 times a week but i will try to use Ms. Jackie to my advantage every chance I get! This is a Timesaver Training so all the excercises are extremely harsh for a newbie. I remember the first time i used this video. I was so sore that I almost cried but as I got used to doing it every other day i was surprisingly thrilled with how much weight I was losing and how easy the routines became. I recommend this to anyone who wants a great workout in half the time! I will start back using this today! I give this Video a 10 out of 10!! You go Ms. Jackie!

Available @ Amazon:

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Getting Back on Track!!!!

I have a confession.....
I haven't excercised and haven't been eating right all weekend!
Then I realized......
I need to get back on the right track if I want to lose 80 pds by next year!!!Here is what I have been doing and what need:

- I excercise 3 times  a week.
-I need to more weight training!
-I am eating veggies and drinking fruit juice.
-Trying to cut out soda...Its just so hard to do that!
-I need to find healthier snacks.
-I also need a workout partner (motivation).
-I need PRAYER lol

Starting Monday, I am Officially Back on the WAGON!!!!
Wish me LUCK :D

Why do people think is cool to touch my hair now that im NATURAL?!

Just a harmless rant.......
One of my managers has the obsession of touching my hair! I mean its bad enough he keeps petting me like I am a dog and putting his fingers through my hair but he had the nerve to pulled a gray hair out of my head. I have a small amount in the front that I found once I started going natural with my hair.I actually cried!!! It was horrible. I yell at him now everytime he invades my personal space!!!! He still finds a way to pet my hair and run off....ugh.Also a lady at the mall came up to me and said "Your Hair LOOKS SOO GOOD!!" While putting her hands to my head!!!!! I tried to dodge but by the time I realized what was happening, her hand was already there (I was tired from work). I almost snapped her arm off!!!!

WTF?! I do not have a sign on my forehead that says i enjoy you touching my hair!!!! Im am not a dog or a chia pet or a freaking exhibit!!! I dont like being TOUCHED!!! When you see me in the street or at the mall or at my job, please refrain from touching my GOSHDARNED HAIR! Thank You <3

I Love My New LOOK!!!!

Im Feeling the New ME!!!

Loving my new headwrap!
Im loving how free I feel
in own skin!!! <3
                                         Look How Much My Hair has Grown
                      And Look how Healthy it looks!!!
                    My skin looks great too!!!

I am liking the progress! What do you think??? Comment beow!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Who is Shanel Cooper-Sykes ????

She is the Author of
a Life Coach,
and a FABULOUS cook

She is an inspiration to me. She tells stuff like it is! No Bones about it!!!
Here is her 2 Part special called:
"10 tips to becoming an AMAZING Woman"
Hope You LIKE <3

The Saddest Thing I have Ever SEEN!!!

After Watching this video,
A perm will never touch this head!!!


Queen Helene's Cholesterol Hair Condionting Cream was refered to me by a friend of mine who uses this often and says it leaves her hair silky smooth and sexy! I have used it once and i am pleased but i will give a full review in about a month or two from now! Keep You POSTED!!!

Adios Lovies <3


Now I am NOT a health nut or anything but i am glad I put this blessed combination together!!! I had this for breakfast this morning and I was in Heaven!!! I <3 bananas and string cheese and since I had a bad reaction to the Fruit2Go, I tried Ocean Spray's Cranberry Light.

No I researched cranberry juice and I found out it is very good for you!!!! Here is a few snippits from websites on the health benefits of cranberry juice:

"Let's find out how cranberry juice helps you lead a better life.
-Rich in phytochemicals – You probably heard the term on TV, but what does it do exactly? Phytochemicals do a lot of good stuff for the body. Cranberry juice is a good source of polyphenol antioxidants and phytochemicals, both of which are possible deterrents against cancer and disorders of the cardiovascular and immune systems. That's a lot of benefits coming from a small fruit.
-Prevents urinary tract infection – Preservatives in food and beverages, along with poor hygiene, contribute to the rise in UTI cases these days. Cleanse by drinking a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice. Cranberry's anti-adhesion properties—or the proanthocyanidins minerals found in the fruit—help rinse the body of urinary tract infections caused by E. coli bacteria.
-Reduces dental plaque – Unless you're drinking sweetened cranberry juice, this beverage has nothing but good news for the teeth and gums. Experts say cranberry juice inhibit the growth of mouth bacteria that causes plaque. So drink up. A healthy dose of cranberry juice ensures your teeth are fresh and clean all the time.
-Prevents formation of kidney stones – This is still under active medical research, but the presence of quinic acid have experts saying it is possible for cranberry juice to help prevent the development of kidney stones. It makes sense since cranberry rid the body of wastes and bacteria—anything that doesn't belong there."

Cures cold: Fresh cranberry juice is effective at fighting against infections. It cures sore throats and colds.

Good for obese people: Cranberry juice is rich in organic acids. These have an emulsifying effect on the fat deposits in our body. So it is good for people who want to shed those extra kilos.

Avoid respiratory infections: According to conducted studies, cranberry juice helps to inhibit certain strains of the Haemophilus influenza, which is a common cause of ear and respiratory infections in children. The juice inhibits the bacteria's hair-like structures, therefore not allowing them to be able to adhere to skin surfaces.

Prevents stomach ulcers and cancer: H. pylori bacteria can cause stomach ulcers and cancer. Regular cranberry juice consumption, for months, destroys these bacteria and saves you from such stomach related troubles.
                                         Its an AMAZING Little Super fruit isnt it!!!! :D

Im glad I started drinking this amazing drink.Its so good and good for you! I might just add this into my daily routine instead of just drinking water and teas all the time! Well I got to go!

Adios Lovies <3

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Defining and Improving My Femininity

Femininity (also called femaleness or womanliness) is the set of female qualities attributed specifically to women and girls by a particular culture. The complement to femininity is masculinity.
The qualities that make a woman female are to a large extent culturally determined, but it is also dependent on a woman feeling feminine. ((

I haven't been very feminine my whole life. I have actually been fighting it!! I enjoyed being one of the guys but as i got older and had sons of my own, I realized I wanted them to look up to their mother as a beautiful goddess and not just a homegirl from the Bronx. So I started late and I started small. I started last year by wearing bright colors and making sure my hair was nicer. I tried to wear more dresses, heels and jewelry. It has transfered to this year! Im trying to wear softer makeup and of course the change to my diet and hair. I wanted my children to say she was healthy, strong and proud to be herself. I am still on a journey of self discovery. I am trying to apply the word femininity in my actions,my dressing and my behavior. Im hoping to apply it to my life forever.

Adios lovies <3

CELEBRATION!!!!! Today is my ONE MONTH Nappiversary!!!!

Thirty Whole Days of Curly GOODNESSSS

Before My Big Chop:

After My Big Chop:

One Month Later:

Loving my curls <3 I cant wait to see myself at My ONE YEAR!!!! To Celebrate, I got myself a Red headwrap

You Likey????
Well, Adios Lovies <3

Breakfast! Only The Good Stuff :D

Good eats are hard to come by now a day! I have been eating this for breakfast for 2 weeks....Im hoping to see a grand change in eating habits.I want to cut out fatty processed food and I want to cut out fast food but its hard to do when you have children and a fast paced lifestyle!!! So I am starting by changing my breakfast habits.

First of all im eating breakfast. I usually dont eat breakfast but I have changed my eating habits in order to lose weight. Breakfast kick starts your metabolism and it also stops you from over eating later on in the day. Secondly, instead of cereals with all those sugars, I have tried anyway to get some sort of fruit or veggie in my system early in the morning. Im allergic to alot of fruits so when i find something I can eat thats healthy and has a fruit I can eat, Im all for it!!!

I love this Fruit 2 Day! It has two servings of fruit in each bottle plus its low on calories and isnt loaded with sugar! I always have my bananas each morning. It is starting to become a real treat! I have cut out my usual sweet treat ((Kit Kats)) and gone with the banana craze!!!

Hopefully I will change Everything FULLY on my way to being healthy and fit and natural! Adios Lovies <3

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Products I Use On My Hair and Face and Body

Natural Hair needs Moisture and So Does The Face! This Is Simply What I Use:

Shea Moisture Organic Coconut and Hibiscus Curl Enhancing Smoothie:
10 out of 10!!! I would Recommend TO EVERYONE!!! My hair has never been so soft and smoothe and it smells terrific! It is like milk to the bones! It is the best product HANDS DOWN!
Bought at: Target

SoftSheen-Carson Optimum Oil Therapy 3-in-1 Creme Oil Misturizer:
7 out of 10. Its a bit oily and leaves a bit of film behind after a few days but it does the job! Makes my hair look healthy and keeps moisture locked in!
Bought at: Rite Aide

Organics Olivie Oil Moisturizing Growth Lotion:
9 out of 10. Im happy with how it feels. Not too oily and very smoothe. Like the smell as well!
Bought at: Rite Aide

Nivea Soft Moisturizing Creme
9 out of 10!!! I have used a bit of moisturizers in my time but this one is light and keeps the face moisturized! I Love it!!
Bought at: Rite Aide

Palmers Olive Oil Formula- Both Shampoo and Conditioner:
7 out of 10- Love it for how great it makes my hair feel afterwards but i am not so thrilled with the conditioner. I wish it did more...
Bought at: Target

Clearasil StayClear Daily Face Wash:
10 out of 10- Great Product!!! Simple to use plus it doesnt leave my face too dry and I love that!
Bought at: WalMart

Clean and Clear Foaming Facial Cleanser:
8 out of 10- Does the job of killing those pimples dead after a day or two but leaves my face so tight and unmoisturized.
Bought at: Walmart

Mediterranean Nectarine Vanilla and Sugar Bathe Creme:
10 out of 10!!! Awesome!! Skin feeling like a baby's bottom!!! Would Reccommend!!!
Bought at: Target

Queen Helene"s Cocoa Butter Hand and Body Lotion:
10 out of 10!!! Amazing stuff!!!! Makes you feel good and moisturized after a nice hot shower!!!

There's more to add but that will be at a later date! I hope you enjoy my reviews!! <3

How much weight i have lost so far.....

I hate admitting to it but I was 234 Pounds on January 1, 2011!

It pained me to have gained so much weight over a 3 year period.
Depression, stress and emontion based eating habits will do that to you.
Before I gave birth to my first son, I was 140 pds!!
After my second,  I was 160pds!
Three years ago i was 170 pds!
As I said Earlier, in January I was 234pds!

As of Today, I am 219 PDS

I have learned that losing weight isnt about perfection, its about patience! I know im not going to lose ALL the weight at one time.

I wish I could but im realistic.

I have support..even though I wish I had a friend who i can exercise with but thats another post at another time...I have My Friends, Some Family and My Group on Facebook!!!

With their support, I am Motivated to do BIG THINGS to further my journey.

I want to lose 80 PDS.
That Is My GOAL!!! I BEILEVE!!!! I CAN DO THIS!!!!

A Few YouTube Inspirational Videos!!!

She has done an AWESOME AWESOME JOB!!!! She Lost 80 Pds!!! Gotta Love it  <3

Mae is a natural hair guru on YouTube!!!! Look her up under nikkimae2003!!! Here is her one year Nappiversary Video!!! She is an inspiration :D


2011- The Year Of Change-The Beginning

Hello Im Victoria but you can call me Harley!!! 2011 is a big year for me! I have quit smoking, decided to lose 80 pds and have gone natural with my hairfor the first time! Here are some important dates for me:
January 1, 2011----Decided to Lose Weight!!!
Febuary 7, 2011---Quit Smoking!!!
March 2, 2011---Decided to go Natural!!!
April 18, 2011---Did My Big Chop and went NATURAL!!!

I also created a group on Facebook named :
A bunch of my friends who also want to lose weight and change their lives are on there as well!!!
I am trying to do something different...trying to enjoy being me!!!!
FOR ONCE I am Doing whats Best for me !!! Lets see how it goes :D